Miss Sherry's Adventures. Love your life.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas Holiday

Hello everyone!

Happy Holidays! I hope all of you are enjoying these special days. I could not have imagined it, but I had a lovely Christmas.

Some of my friends and I have been volunteering at an Orphanage here. Each Monday night we go and teach English informally to the kids. It has been a wonderful rewarding experience. We have also had the opportunity to do extra curricular activities such as biking, rollerblading and having lunch with them. On Saturday we went out and gave all the children presents. Our other foreign teacher friends here each bought a present for one of the kids. It was really great!

On Christmas Eve I went to the Orphanage Christmas party and dinner. Christa, me, and our friends Marnie and Jan watched the kids open more presents and ate a traditional korean meal with them. What fun! And believe it or not, the food was good! No fishy!!!

Afterwards we had a sleepover at my house and invited another girlfriend, so 5 in total. We exchanged names for stockings and got tons of presents! Of course, we could not wait until the morning so we opened them all up that night. Christa made us tacos (from costco in a neighboring town) and we fell asleep watching the movie "Something's Got to Give".

Christmas day I made pancakes and bacon, we stuffed ourselves and later in the day I had a giant delicious nap. The sun was shining, it was a gorgeous day. I was invited to a dinner, but was enjoying my time in my cozy apartment and decided to stay home. I thought of each of you and wondered how your day was going.

Korea has been challenging to say the least, but I feel as though the most difficult time is over. I am going on vacation Jan 10th until Feb 7th. I will go to Austrailia for 3 weeks with Christa. We are sooooooo excited!! I also have another week and a half off at the end of Feb, then only 5 months to go!


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