Miss Sherry's Adventures. Love your life.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Chicken, friends, and little boys

Quite the title yes, but that is what is on my mind.

Had a delicious chicken dinner with Christa tonight. Except for the ketchup and mayo on the cabbage salad, it was really delicious! We had one of those interesting, enjoyable and mind stretching conversations. I am satiated on all levels.

The boys at school and the orphanage have been delightful. There is one boy at school that brings a smile to my face every time I see him. He is such a cutie, so happy, and always eager to chat with me. I bring him and his buddies treats in the afternoons while they are playing on the playground. They try so hard to communicate with me, sometimes I forget that we speak a different language.

One of the boys, a really small guy, used to say to me all the time "No English- eee", every time he saw me. Other kids would say, "Oh, he doesn't speak English, he can't". One day in class I told him he was very cute, and encouraged him to try speaking English. I heard from one of his classmates that he has been trying harder since then. Now, each time I see him, he says a few English words, mixed with Korean words. Much better than before! I am so happy!

Boy in the suit is the cutie I mentioned above
Boy doing the peace sign is the reluctant English speaker
Boy with the vest on is one of my favorite little guys in grade three


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