Miss Sherry's Adventures. Love your life.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Oh, Korea

Every day something special, annoying, frustrating, surprising, sad, or funny happens. Never a dull moment around here.

Sometimes a friend seems unhappy with you, for no apparent reason that you can think of. Perhaps they think you are a liar ( a true case; ridiculous to anyone who knows me), or you didn't go somewhere that they wanted you to. Who knows, but drama ensues.

Yesterday I broke up a fight between three boys. One grade 6 was angry over a call in their baseball game and charged another boy, and punched him hard in the face. The younger brother of the puncher totally lost it and attacked him. It all happened so fast, I was a little dazed and scared. I got in between them and managed to get them apart after repeat efforts. The boy who got punched had a huge bruise on his cheek and was crying very hard. I was so sad for him. We could not communicate verbally due to limited language skills on both sides, but I hope they all realized that I cared and that fighting is not acceptable. However, unfortunately, it is the way of life here.

Today our school is having their big festival, where I, the English teacher get to be in the play. I thought I was just helping to organize it, but oh no, off I go to dance, act like a fool and embarass myself! Their is a funky dance that has been made famous here in Korea by a comedian. We are doing this today. The kids have already taught me to do it and for the past two weeks everywhere I go they have been shouting, "Teacher, Kume Pa!" That is the name of this interesting dance where one thrusts their pelvis forward and makes silly sounds!
We are actually using the song "I like big butts" because my teacher did not know it is about bums! Oh, just another day in Korea...


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