Miss Sherry's Adventures. Love your life.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

My school

The first picture shows all the children at CheongHo Elementary doing their excercises. Usually at recess, sometimes in the morning, the whole school gets together for a bit of calastetics! (spelling? too lazy to check!)I, as you might have already imagined, watch from the window. ;)

The Food:
I know you may have been trying to see this in your mind, well now you can see for yourself! The cafeteria provides metal trays for us to eat our lunch on (think prison break). As I only eat some of the foods, oftentimes my tray has some empty spaces. We line up and move through the serving line, being served by nice ladies (who are camera shy!)in pink rubber aprons and pink rubber boots.
I have my own special cafeteria lady friend who always looks out for me and my lack of interest in eating fish with eyes and sweet potatoe stems. She runs in the back and fries me eggs when I only have rice on my tray. She sets aside for me yummy apples and cucumbers that have not been smothered in that HOT red pepper sauce that Koreans love so much. When there is beef in the soup (she knows a Canadian girl needs her beef!)she sets aside a metal bowl especially for me with just the meat, as she has noticed that I never eat the soup(I don't think she knows that I think the broth always tastes like dirty feet). I love my cafeteria lady!!!

The Kids:
Because I have 1300 children in my school, it is very difficult to get to know them. I teach 4 grades that have 6 classes each, each class having round 36 students. You do the math!
However, as with any situation, there are those who stand out. And wouldn't you know it, the boys are my favorites (mom: apparently this will come in handy when I have my son!) Every student that I really enjoy (with the exception of one) is a boy. They are just so sweet! Well, not all of them are what you would traditionally describe as sweet, but I love them anyway! I even got a present from a grade three cutie (his only English word is "what?!" which comes out sounding like the godfather)this week. Mind you, it is a book about God, written in English, but who cares? I got a present!

My "Office":
Since I am such a fabulous English speaker (thanks be to the universe for having been born in Canada), I am on display in the teacher's room/Vice principal's office, so all who wish can practice their English with me. My desk faces the window, overlooking the hall! No matter; I have figured out most of the Korean commands on my computer, have my regular little visitors (who dare brave coming into the room off limits to the students), get lots of food presents (grapes, clementines, juices, terrible rice cakes that taste like erasers, as Christa says), and the principal gets to see me making stuff which leads him to believe I am a great teacher!
SIDE NOTE: I am a great teacher, but the principal has never ever seen me teach!


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