Miss Sherry's Adventures. Love your life.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hugs in Suncheon

Saturday Christa and I headed to Suncheon to visit our friends Carol and Melanie, and join in on the fun of a Free Hugs campaign.

After making signs at Carol's, we headed downtown to share the love! I was a little reluctant at first because I don't usually hug anyone besides little children. I watched as the others were going right up to the Korean people with open arms and embracing them. I hung back a bit with my "Free Hugs" sign, but then decided to go for it! I'm so glad I did. It is not a usual custom to hug in Korea, so you can imagine that many people were shy, or reluctant at first. It was great! I hugged many women and children and a few fellas too!

Some of Carol's other friends were there from Suncheon and other places. I think there were around 12 people in all, up and the down the street (an alley way where cars do not drive, shops on either side) offering free hugs. One friend said that as he walked, he knew we were up ahead because so many people had big grins on their face.

Some of Carol's students even came out. Young shy boys offering free hugs; how cute. Near the end of the day, two other young boys started hanging around us, shy at first, holding the signs up to us... I told them they had to hug me if they had the signs! In the end, they were hugging us and actually ran off and came back with a sucker for all of us! They was so adorable.

After a rough couple of weeks, the visit to Suncheon was just what I needed. I do not know why I waited so long to visit those girls, they are so lovely. Carol nutured us in her home, we watched dvds, ate junk food, it was splendid! I also met some of Carol and Mel's friends, who are also quite lovely. It reminded me of the good things in life and in Korea, something I definitely needed to take notice of.


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