Miss Sherry's Adventures. Love your life.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

It worked!

The single picture posted, looking through the trees, and the tents are of camping on South Molle Island. I spent one night here after being dropped off by boat. There was one other couple on the island in addition to myself and my friend, so I felt a little safer. I felt a little bit like I was on Survivor, as it was truly deserted! I relaxed, read books, ate, and swam. A very enjoyable experience.

On my birthday, I went on a helicopter ride, rode a jet ski, and went for an hour tour through the rainforest on a quad bike. I have posted a picture of the helicopter and an aerial view. Such an adventurous day! I was quite tired by end from being physically and emotionally spent. There was so much adrenaline pumping! I enjoyed everything but would have to say that the bike was my favorite. I was on the tour with a bunch of testosterone infested young men, which inspired me to try harder, go faster, and not be the girl left behind. I did really well, was proud of myself, and felt pretty cool too!
The picture of the water surrounded by trees is the Lagoon in Airlie Beach. Since the ocean is filled with stingers (jelly fish), all swimming is done in the Lagoon. Fine by me! It is a beautiful place in the center of town complete with sand, so you do actually feel like you are at the beach. I spent part of every day here during my stay in Airlie.
The last picture of me was taken on Fraser Island, World Heritage Site. That place is like a dream. Sometimes I felt as though I was on a movie set, things seems so surreal. It has a an incredible beauty I've not yet encountered anywhere else. I am standing in front of a beached ship wreck.
More on Fraser Island in the next post...


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