Miss Sherry's Adventures. Love your life.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Adventures in Bali Part 1

Mixed in with relaxation, massages, and delicious meals, were surfing, a boat ride and a few motorcycle crashes!
My friend and I rented brand new Honda automatic motorbike/scooter vehicles to get us around our tropical paradise. Now, you must know that said friend has a scooter and is well equipped to drive one. I on the other hand, have never driven one. Well, no matter, I have driven quad bikes recently, surely that qualifies me...right?
Uh, no. I did not even make it out of the driveway (which by the way was covered in white rocky gravel and apparently, unbeknownst to me, dangerous to scooter riders)! Heading around the turn to take me up and out the the driveway, the bike slipped right out from underneath me and sent me toppling to the ground. I got a nice elbow gash and freaked out Katut, our new friend working at the bungalows. I am sure he was concerned about letting this inexperienced tourist take off to wreak havoc on the island!
No big deal (as my dad always says), I went on my merry way, usually driving only around 20kms. So what, I was having fun! The following few days brought about minor follies, a bump into a knee high wall, causing a severe neck spin, and a little "tip over" on the hill at the other end of the driveway. The best was yet to come. Crash-wise I mean.
One evening I decided to pass the hour before dinner with a little bike practice. I really thought I was getting better, more steady, able to go 30-35kms now. Maybe my over confidence or still my lack of experience was the cause of my final crash. As I slowly stopped on the incline at the end of the driveway leading onto the road, I tried not to hesitate as I usually did, but in doing so, gave too much gas, shooting myself straight into the middle of the road! I of course then panicked, and fell. Mother of god that sucked!
I re-opened and added to the lovely gash on my elbow, got a skinned knee, several bruises on my legs and a damaged foot where the full weight bike landed. Thankfully, two kindly fellas stopped and one took my bike back to the bungalows while the other entertained me of his own crashes on these silly, gas sensitive vehicles! Two other guests arrived at the same time and drove me back down and gave me stuff for my cuts and bruises.
I put on the brave face on the road, but once I got back to my little paradise, I burst into tears! I think I was in a bit of a shock, but moments after rinsing the blood off of my favorite dress, I hauled out the camera to capture the moment! I will try to post it on here.
Needless to say, I returned the bike the following day and caught rides on the back of my friend's bike. I was a little rocked, but not seriously hurt, and despite my mishaps, I will ride one again. It was too much fun not too ;)


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